
I suppose you could say his career began when he first founded 'Arabacus Pulp' when he was just fifteen years old. I suppose you could also say that Jarvis was meant for the stage, he was meant to perform - h's just so good at it. The later shortened band Pulp would be where he found fame in the 1990s with hit albums such as His 'n' Hers and Different Class. As frontman he was generally what the audience would be looking at, part of his trademark image are his geeky glasses - which somehow manage to stay on his face/head regardless of how much he dances around the stage. Altogether Pulp released seven studio albums, but none were as popular as His 'n' Hers or Different Class. The group took a hiatus in 2002, and are now back in business and ready to take 2011 by storm!

 The most popular song released by Pulp, is Common People, which was almost euphoric for a lot of people in the 1990s - it spoke to them on a personal level. It's about his experience of art college where he realised how working class he actually was, and a girl he met who wanted 'to live common people' but that of course would never be a reality for her. This was a slight change as his songs are usually a tad sleazy or about love.

This is hardcore

This is hardcore because there's no common people video on youtube! However I absolutely adore this, although it's not the most popular choice it's sleazy, dirty yet some how classy. The video for me is just a little work of art I wish I was a part of making, it's so beautiful.

After the hiatus began, Jarvis tried his hand at electro-goth music, with the new band, Relaxed muscle. He performed under the name Darren Spooner, if it was in some attempt to conceal his identity it didn't really work.

Relaxed Muscle

This is a live version of one of the songs, this isn't really the typical music of the band but I think that words are nice and the performance is quite nice.

The Album they produced.
As you can see, Jarvis looks a bit different, with this he rocked a new trademark image - a skeleton.

The skeleton:


After the whole 'laugh' had blown over Jarvis moved to Paris and had a child, but realised he couldn't not perform -it was him. Along came his solo career, for which he again changed his image but to a more  professional style. 

Performing solo, looking so much more suave.

During his solo career, he released two albums. His songs became more political and personal - almost a bit desperate. He released Cunts are still running the world which is just brilliant lyrically but a bit dull, it's very political... I suppose the title gives it away really. Other songs include Further Complications and Fat Children. His a clip from one of his gigs.

This clip because I'm in it! He gave me a bottle of beer, I was lucky that I managed to get right to the front and in line with the mic! He spent the the duration of the last song staring into my eyes (happy memories). It was brilliant, he dancing is just amazing and I'd do it all over again if I could, he's an amazing front man!

To be continued.... When I have time to put all the Harry Potter, Russell Brand, Yoga and French things in!